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Wolfson NanoScience Laboratory

The Wolfson NanoScience Laboratory has been established through a grant from the Royal Society/Wolfson Foundation and funding from the University of Reading. The Laboratory houses ultra-high vacuum chambers for the ultra-clean in situ growth and characterisation of low dimensional structures on surfaces such as dots, wires and films with nanometre lengthscales.

One apparatus is currently dedicated to the growth of ultra-thin films from a four pocket electron beam evaporator with characterisation through x-ray and ultra-violet radiation induced photoemission, low energy electron diffraction and other surface sensitive techniques.  We also have two scanning tunnelling microscopes that are currently used for investigations in ambient atmospheres.

Ex situ material preparation will be undertaken in the Wolfson Sample Preparation Laboratory which is jointly run with the Centre for Advanced Microscopy. In this laboratory we have facilities for handling biological samples in biocabinets, clean samples in dust free cabinets and for chemical preparation of nanomaterials. The newly refurbished facilities are now on line.

Wolfson NanoScience Laboratory
Polymer Science Centre
Centre for Advanced Microscopy
Centre for Surface Science and Catalysis
Central Facilities
Page last updated March 23, 2010
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